A Real and Honest Review of Kerasal Nail Renewal - Toe Fungus Journey (2024)

A Real and Honest Review of Kerasal Nail Renewal - Toe Fungus Journey (1)

As a sufferer of toenail fungus, I become familiar with a popular product called Kerasal and decided to do a comprehensive review of my thoughts on the product. This review will go over ease-of-use, ingredients, and the pros and cons I have found after using it.

Before reading you should know that Kersal Fungal Nail Renewal is not ranked as our favorite nail fungi treatments. However, it is effective for reducing the thickness and discoloration of toenails with results being seen within a week.

Our #1 Recommended Product

Overview of Kerasal

A Real and Honest Review of Kerasal Nail Renewal - Toe Fungus Journey (2)

Kerasal has been a trending product as of lately due to the fact that it claims to provide users with the ability to “See a Visible Difference”.

Now you may be wondering, what is Kerasal Fungal Nail Renewal?

Well, it’s a clear, liquid, odorless, topical nail repair solution created by Moberg Pharma. It is designed to renew the appearance of infected nails by minimizing nail discoloration, decreasing thickness, and allowing a new healthy nail to grow.

Product Info

One of the unique things to note about this product is its easy-to-use silicone tip applicator. I found it to be one of the easiest application processes in my 7+ years of having toenail fungus and I have tried brushes, ointments, and creams.

Secondly, the product comes in a 10 mL tube which is not a lot at all, however, it is a 3-month supply for up to 3 nails which actually turns out to be quite a lot. I’ve found that this product truly does go a long way even with its small stature.

Below are my initial observations:

  • Comes in 10 mL tube (3 months supply for up to 3 nails)
  • Easy-to-use silicone applicator
  • Odorless & colorless
  • Dries quickly

A Real and Honest Review of Kerasal Nail Renewal - Toe Fungus Journey (3)

Main Benefits and Claims

At first glance of the box, one will notice that there is a lot of bold claims littered all over the packaging on the product. The most notable to be:

  • Visible results in 1 week
  • Clinically Proven
  • #1 Doctor recommended
  • Approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association

A clinical study was done by the manufacturer of Kerasal which included 500 participants and found that this product was effective for 92% of users with 77% of them seeing noticeable improvements in 2 weeks.

Benefits after using this product for a week:

      • Noticeable improvements in nail thickness
      • A new healthy nail has begun growing out
      • Easy to apply (2-minute application)
      • Odorless


This product does not have a large number of ingredients. It contains the following:

      • Propylene Glycol
      • Urea
      • Glycerin
      • Lactic Acid
      • Water
      • Sodium Hydroxide
      • Disodium EDTA

A brief breakdown of the ingredients shows that urea is one of the main ingredients in this product. Urea is commonly used on a variety of skin conditions and is shown to soften keratin in skin or nails (which explains why I witnessed a decrease in nail thickness).

Another important ingredient is lactic acid which prevents the further growth of fungus by lowering the pH of the infected nail environment. The rest of the ingredients are used for the support of overall nail strengthening.

The Most Interesting Fact About Kerasal

Now as a person who purchased this product with the intent to use it to clear my fungal infection, all of these claims sounded great to me. It sounded like the Holy Grail that we all have been waiting for and my research into the product shows that it works from the clinical studies done on it.

But I found something surprising on the packaging that stared back at me…

In a small font on the back, it states, “Kerasal Fungal Nail Renewal does not cure or prevent fungal infections. Fungal infections of the nail can only be cured by prescription medication“.

A Real and Honest Review of Kerasal Nail Renewal - Toe Fungus Journey (4)

Now, this is disheartening for most people since the packaging misleads consumers to think that this will actively get rid of their toenail fungal infection.

I believe that this product is just geared towards making the appearance of fungus ridden nails more appealing and doesn’t actually treat the underlying causes of fungus but gets rid of the symptoms such as thickened toenails and discoloration.

The Bottom Line

Even though this packaging explicitly states that Kerasal does not cure fungal infections, I think it is beneficial to see this product for what it actually is. It’s something to help treat the symptoms of your toenail fungus and should be used in unison with another product that can actually kill fungi.

What do Consumers Say?

Regardless of what the packaging says… What are people saying that have used the product?

View Reviews on Amazon

Where to Buy Kerasal?

If after this review of the product and the results I have found you are still interested in trying the product for yourself, there will be links provided below.

In my opinion, the quickest and easiest way (the way I purchased this product) was through Amazon if you have Amazon Prime.

Alternatives are ordering this product through the official Kerasal website.

TFJ’s Verdict

From this review, I hope you will be able to formulate your own opinion on the product and make the decision if it is beneficial for you. One review I read said that it removed the top layer of the thickened nail off their toe which is what I experienced on my pinky toe.

Kerasal Nail Renewal could be beneficial for people with thickened and discolored toenails which may be hard to penetrate with standard toenail fungus treatments. So, using this product congruently with another could result in getting rid of your fungus for good.

Our #1 Recommended Product

A Real and Honest Review of Kerasal Nail Renewal - Toe Fungus Journey (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.